The Toy Store

There was a lady who bought a shoe store and filled it up with toys! She put a post office in the back, so EVERYBODY had to go in there for stamps. We never bought any toys in the store because Santa gave me mine for free. Still, it didn’t seem to bother the lady that I walked around and pointed out what I was putting on my list.

One Saturday, my father finished buying wood then took me to the toy store and bought a little bag with something like a tube of glue and half a straw in it. He wouldn’t tell me what it was until we finished lunch and then he made huge red bubbles from it! These were BIG bubbles that didn’t break but did get stuck on his glasses and then in his hair and on his shirt and then the table cloth, the rug and even a little on Mitzi. After that, my mother made sure there was always a jar of soap with one of those rings to blow through under the sink in case my father was in the mood to make bubbles again.